Toby Triumph – PNC Social Images
PNC Bank elicited Toby Triumph for his unique style in storytelling through illustration for their social campaigns for 3 seasons.
“The most innovative part of this PNC project was taking 18 really broad and different subjects and creating a set of illustrations that felt like they all belonged together.
Working up a set of design principles that felt like whatever the ‘subject matter’ they all felt like they lived in the same family of illustrations. Be it a portrait of Benjamin Franklin, someone doing yoga in their apartment, or an explanation of the technology behind the binary code and the internet, they could sit together and not feel like they were at odds with each other. This was achieved by using the PNC brand colors and an illustrative style that felt light and playful.
All of the work was drawn on an iPad Pro with an Apple Pencil, which meant the work was created quickly, with lots of opportunity to change direction at any time. PNC and Deutsch gave me such a nice level of creative freedom with this project, meaning that the illustrations felt fresh and a quick reaction to each brief, as opposed to an over analyzed and designed by committee project.”
-Toby Triumph

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